nSide|Tips™ is Now Available!

nSide|Tips is a statewide tip submission system for public K-12 schools, integrated with the nSide Platform, allowing individuals to submit confidential public safety tips for review by local school officials, law enforcement, and/or Departments of Education.

How to use nSide|Tips™:

  1. Navigate to https://tips.nside.io
  2. Click the orange Start button
  3. Type answer to question in text field.
  4. Click Next
  5. Answer all questions
  6. Review answers
  7. Submit

After submission:

Tip submissions are viewable for admins and editors for your district or school on the nSide Platform under the Communications tab. District and school administrators also receive notifications that a tip has been submitted so it can be reviewed promptly.

Save and print this sign to post at your school!