What is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)?
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a process of design that uses the built environment, architectural features, landscaping, and defined space to reduce the opportunity for crime and improve the quality of life.
The main strategies of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) are:
Natural Surveillance
Natural Access Control
Territorial Reinforcement & Maintenance
What is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)?
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a process of design that uses the built environment, architectural features, landscaping, and defined space to reduce the opportunity for crime and improve the quality of life.
The main strategies of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) are:
Natural Surveillance
Natural Access Control
Territorial Reinforcement & Maintenance
CPTED is a promising prevention strategy that tends to lead to safer schools. Research has shown that crime occurrences can drop by as much as 70% after design interventions. The real power and effectiveness of a CPTED program lies in the fact that all the parties involved in the process can benefit. This includes the school district, staff, students, and the community.
The principles of CPTED benefit schools by:
Creating a warm and welcoming environment – safety without a prison like atmosphere
Fostering a sense of physical and social order
Creating a sense of ownership by students and community members
Minimizing opportunities for out-of-sight activities
Managing access to all school areas
Implementing cost efficient safety initiatives
Evaluate Your Schools With Our Free CPTED School Assessment
The objective of the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) School Assessment is to evaluate the physical parts of the school which may have an impact on youth fear and aggressive behavior.
Request a download of our free assessment to find out how your schools’ exterior and interior spaces rank on a CPTED scale.
Evaluate Your Schools With Our Free CPTED School Assessment
The objective of the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) School Assessment is to evaluate the physical parts of the school which may have an impact on youth fear and aggressive behavior.
Request a download of our free guide to find out how your schools exterior and interior spaces rank on a CPTED scale.