Include accurate floor plans overlaid on or current aerial imagery of a school building or school plan with surrounding school grounds
Include site-specific labeling that matches: The structure of the school building, including room labels, room numbers, locations of hazardous materials, key utility locations, automated external defibrillators, and trauma kits; and the school grounds, including parking areas, athletic fields, surrounding roads, and neighboring properties

Incident Digital Mapping

Incident Digital Mapping
Include accurate floor plans overlaid on or current aerial imagery of a school building or school plan with surrounding school grounds
Include site-specific labeling that matches: The structure of the school building, including room labels, room numbers, locations of hazardous materials, key utility locations, automated external defibrillators, and trauma kits; and
the school grounds, including parking areas, athletic fields, surrounding roads, and neighboring properties;

Rooms, Features, & 360 nSide|Views
Rooms, Features, & 360 nSide|Views

There normally is no need for the team to return after hours except in cases where there may be a weather delay.
Admins are given 2 options during school hours in regard to interior 360 degree images:
Admins are given 2 options during school hours in regard to interior 360 degree images:

There normally is no need for the team to return after hours except in cases where there may be a weather delay.

Click the button below to get started with your nSide mapping request.