NEW JERSEY Funding & Grant Opportunities
Critical Mapping Data Main Funding Uses: Campus Mapping Senate Bill 2426 requires each board of education of a school district, board of trustees of a charter school or renaissance school project, and chief administrators of nonpublic schools to provide critical mapping data for all schools and school grounds to local law enforcement authorities to assist first responders in an emergency including, but not limited to aerial images of schools, floor plans, including room and suite numbers, building access points, locations of hazardous materials and utility shut-offs, and any other relevant location information. Learn More About This Funding Deadline: Ongoing Senate Bill 2426 requires each board of education of a school district, board of trustees of a charter school or renaissance school project, and chief administrators of nonpublic schools to provide critical mapping data for all schools and school grounds to local law enforcement authorities to assist first responders in an emergency including, but not limited to aerial images of schools, floor plans, including room and suite numbers, building access points, locations of hazardous materials and utility shut-offs, and any other relevant location information.
School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV) Main Funding Uses: All Safety Solutions The Project SERV grant provides short-term support after a traumatic event to affected local educational agencies or institutions of higher education. These grants are intended to provide funds to meet acute needs and restore the learning environment. Learn More About This Funding Deadline: Ongoing The Project SERV grant provides short-term support after a traumatic event to affected local educational agencies or institutions of higher education. These grants are intended to provide funds to meet acute needs and restore the learning environment.
COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Main Funding Uses: All Safety Solutions The STOP School Violence Act of 2018 gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards directly to States, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools through evidence-based school safety programs and technology.

Awards will fund projects that include the funding of civilian personnel to serve as coordinators with local law enforcement, training for local law enforcement officers, purchase and installation of certain allowable equipment and technology, and other measures to significantly improve school security.
Learn More About This Funding AWARDED The STOP School Violence Act of 2018 gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards directly to States, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools through evidence-based school safety programs and technology.

Awards will fund projects that include the funding of civilian personnel to serve as coordinators with local law enforcement, training for local law enforcement officers, purchase and installation of certain allowable equipment and technology, and other measures to significantly improve school security.
OJJDP FY Enhancing School Capacity to Address Youth Violence Main Funding Uses: All Safety Solutions The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention seeks to support targeted efforts to address youth violence through implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts in a school-based setting (K–12th grade only). The program aims to increase school safety through the development and expansion of violence prevention and reduction programs and strategies. Learn More About This Funding Expected Opening: Spring 2024 The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention seeks to support targeted efforts to address youth violence through implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts in a school-based setting (K–12th grade only). The program aims to increase school safety through the development and expansion of violence prevention and reduction programs and strategies.