District Continuity Plan: Resources 2019-2020
District Continuity Plan: Resources 2019-2020ch Pickup Sites in Alabama
SOURCE: https://www.alsde.edu/COVID19%20Updates/ALSDE%202019-2020%20LEA%20Academic%20Continuity%20Plan_Final.pdf
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic’s implications on Alabama’s public schools, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) has surveyed Local Education Agencies (LEA) superintendents, as well as researched other states’ plans of assistance to help districts complete the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
The ALSDE is committed to providing essential technical guidance and support mechanisms to assist LEAs in completing this unprecedented school year by allowing flexibility—with statewide parameters—and for as much as practical, proceed with graduation and promotion procedures by June 5, 2020.
Below is a list of districts and their individual messages with information and resources about continuing ed and online learning.