LEARN MORE > Our dynamic hub includes forms, contact lists, drills, and resources to build and maintain effective school safety plans. Aligning with state requirements, our EOPs are responsive, living documents designed for peace of mind, with reminders to update your plans as required. Develop Your Digital
Emergency Operations Plan
LEARN MORE > Enhance safety and efficiency with nSide's dynamic mapping. The nSide Platform lets you map critical infrastructure and provides 360-degree views of your facility. Access room details, fire extinguishers, cameras, and utility points, and provide virtual walkthroughs for safety teams and first responders. Map Critical Infrastructure
with 360-Degree Views
LEARN MORE > At nSide, we stay by your side, offering 24/7 technical support to ensure you have the guidance you need, whenever you need it. You'll also have access to our comprehensive resources packed with user guides and helpful tips to answer your questions and support your ongoing journey to a safer school environment.. Access 24/7 Support
and In-Depth User Guides
Slide nSide is an awesome one-stop shop latform that allows us to put all emergency/crisis plans and reports in one place. It also provides 1st responders with information needed to support schools in case of an emergency event. Joe B. Director of Personnel, Operations, and Student Services I love the nSide platform because it is a central location to house school safety information that allows proper documentation and a history of information. They provide training and resources to support school personnel and local law enforcement and allow for better communication between school systems and other agencies. Benita G. Teacher
Slide What Are You Waiting For? There's No Credit Card Required To Get Started Today. REQUEST YOUR FREE TRIAL For Any Questions Regarding the 30-Day Access to Our Demo School, Reach Out to Us at help@nside.io