nSide Severe Weather Awareness
One thing we know for certain is that severe weather of one kind or another is a regular occurrence. In fact, as I write this, a line of severe weather is bearing down on the state from the west.
While this is not a risk you can ever prevent entirely, you can minimize the potential risk of harm by planning (using nSide Map and EOP), practicing regular severe weather drills (using nSide EOP), and by maintaining severe weather awareness, to make sure you have the information you need to make the best possible decisions before and during a potentially dangerous weather event.
With your nSide Map and EOP, we try to cover each of these areas of weather safety preparedness. With nSide you can plan severe weather shelter locations (Map), prepare detailed Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) for the event of severe weather and reunification and recovery after, and complete severe weather drills (EOP).
And today, we’re introducing Severe Weather Awareness to the nSide platform.
The first two modules of weather awareness are live weather alerts from the National Weather Service, and Weather Radar. These are available today in the Maps menu.

As we continue to build the platform for school safety, we’d like to understand more about how you prepare for and monitor severe weather events that may affect your school and community. And how you train or prepare for severe weather, by drills or other planning.
As always, we’re open to hear any way we can help you to be as prepared and successful as possible as you serve your students and the community.
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