Only 15% of CARES Act Funds Used
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CARES Act Funding Use Deadline
Claim your FREE Temperature Scanning Cameras and Mobile Wifi Systems for your K-12 Schools in Alabama!
Here are the facts…
Through various funding mechanisms provided by the State, districts in Alabama have an extraordinary opportunity to enhance their schools in the areas of planning, preparedness, and safety.
- There is $170 million for schools in Alabama to use to help with the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
- Your trusted partner at nSide provides many of the things in which this funding can be used, such as:
- nSide|Live – build a surveillance system at your school that can be shared to first responders.
- nSide|Live + ETS – remotely take temperatures, detect objects (such as weapons), and move your existing cameras to the cloud to be shared with first responders.
- nSide|Fleet + WiFi – equip your buses with WiFi and enhance tracking capabilities.
This is what it says…
List of funding for schools: Funding for schools.
What are the K-12 funding opportunities and what did/will Alabama receive from the CARES Act?
The funding opportunities that impact K-12 education in Alabama are the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund and the Education Stabilization Relief Fund. Decisions on the use of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds will come from the Governor’ administration. The ALSDE administers the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund of which Alabama is projected to receive approximately $217 million. The statute requires that this funding be delivered on a formula basis to LEAs based on their proportionate share of the state’s total Title I funding allocation.
This is what you can do…
How may LEAs spend their Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds?
Below are a few of the ways LEAs may spend their funds:
- Coordination of LEA preparedness and response efforts to improve coordinated responses with other agencies to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
- Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth,
- Developing and implementing procedures and systems to improve LEA preparedness and response efforts
- Planning for and coordinating during long-term closures, including how to provide meals, technology for online learning, guidance on IDEA requirements, and ensuring other educational services can continue to be provided consistent with all applicable requirements.
- Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) for students served by the LEA that aids in regular and substantive educational interactions between students and their classroom teachers, including assistance technology or adaptive equipment.
This is what it can turn into…
nSide|Fleet + WiFi adds value beyond the purpose of mobile hotspots for remote learning. It adds BusSOS™ technology to be used in all situations, allows for fleet tracking and maintenance management, and the ability to add digital, cloud-based cameras. If nSide|Fleet + WiFi is already implemented in your district, these upgrades can happen at a reduced cost.
nSide|Live + ETS provides opportunities to fully integrate existing camera systems with the nSide School Safety Platform. The ETS solutions use the same EagleEyeNetworks products that are used to add cameras to the cloud for sharing through the nSide Platform. This solution fits directly with one of the Alabama SAFE Council Report recommendations for physical security: “Surveillance Systems Linked to Law Enforcement”.
The State of Alabama has provided emergency funding through the Coronavirus Relief Fund for acquiring these solutions, but ONLY FIFTEEN PERCENT of the funds allotted for Education Health and Wellness and Educational Remote Learning Devices have been expended throughout the State. The deadline for using this funding opportunity is December 15, 2020.
All of these current or future upgrades are possible and become easy fixes if a school uses their CARES Act funding. Don’t deprive your district of this opportunity!